
IPN Setup

With BuyGoods you can set IPN or Webhooks for every event ( new order, tracking, refund, cancel, etc.) And to make things even more customizable you can add the IPN on an account level, or product level.

To add/edit a IPN click on the Setup icon and click on Settings under Products:

This will take you to a page where you can choose the event you want to add an IPN (webhook) for.

And that's not all. You can add multiple ones for each event. If you move your mouse over the fields, a plus sign will show up and you can click it to add more fields.

Product Level IPN's
Click on the product you want to add the IPN for (Setup -> Products) and hit the IPN tab:

You will see a bunch of events you can work with. Below are a list of the most common used info:

Order_id = unique identifier for each order

customer name = customer_name

customer email = customer_emailaddress

Phone = customer_phone

transaction time = rr_createdate

unique ID for products = product_id 

unique identifier for product = codename from BuyGoods - product_codename

Event type 

         action_type -     action_type=neworder (when a new order is created)

         action_type=rebill (for recurring products - for each charge )


         action_type=chargebackrefundtime (if refund) 

product type (digital,physical) - flag_autofulfill ( if 1=digital if 0=physical )

Shipping details - if not specified otherwise we keep the billing details






sessid2=sessid20170725054538220 // User Session

account_id=4587 // Vendor SPI Account ID

action_type=neworder // IPN Action trigger

product_codename=codename_abcd // Product Codename

product_id=1223 // Product ID

user_id=120650 // Unique Customer ID

storecheckedoutcarts_id=1636874 // Unique Item ID

aff_id=1712 // Affiliate ID

rr_createdate=2018-01-08+16%3A16%3A51 // Order Date (GMT)

name=Pauline+Bodine // Customer Name

address=314+Jesse+Way // Customer Address

city=Redlands // Customer city

state=California // Customer State

country=United+States // Customer Country

zip=92374 // Customer ZipCode

comments=  // Customer Comments

was_fulfilled=0 // Product was shipped

date_fulfillment=0000-00-00+00%3A00%3A00 // Product ship date

total=%249.99 // Order total

payment_method=Visa+ending+with+5931 // Payment method

payment_cardtype=Visa // Payment Card Type

payment_cardlast4=5931 // Payment card last 4 digits

was_canceled=0 // Order canceled flag

date_canceled=0000-00-00+00%3A00%3A00 // Order cancel Date

external_order_id= // Custom external order ID

aff_commission=0.00 // Affiliate commission earned

order_details=Product+1+Bottle+%28FREE%29 // Product Name

shipping_method=0 // Shippment method

is_test=0 // Test order flag

total_outstanding=0.00 // Total amount due

is_free=0 // Free order flag

customer_emailaddress=sample_mail%40aol.com // Customer Email address

customer_phone=91234941113 // Customer Phone Number

referrer_url=www.referrer_domain.com%2F // Referring website

referrer_sid=ultraSUB0725 // SUBID

referrer_self=buygoods.com%2Fsecure // Order Page

ipaddress= // Customer IP Address

shipping_cost=9.99 // Shipping Cost

funnel_codename= // Tracking funnel Code

funnel_step= // Tracking funnel Step

flag_sms_sent=0 // Flag Sent SMS

external_order_id2= // External Order ID

merchant_commission=0.85 // Charge Fees

external_order_id3= // External Order ID

lang= // Product language

external_order_id4= // External Order ID

external_order_id5= //External Order ID

cogs=0.00 // Product+Handling Costs

coupon_discount=0.00 // Coupon Discount

subid=ultraturmeric0725 // SUBID





accrual_total=9.99 // Total charged on this order so far

buy_url= // Checkout URL

aff_name=Dummy Name // Affiliate Name

total_clean=9.99 // Total amount as Float Val

amount_in_currency=%249.99 // Total amount in currency

token=a8591d9398021b1b5004df388de76600 // Old IPN 

token_ipn=9b58e1e8d152e77c2110dbc205a400dc // New IPN Token

help_token=aabcc9b022921ba8e08f07207f99b83a // Support pages token

sid=ultraSUB0725 //  SUBID

total_amount_charged=9.99 // Total charged

charges_count= // Count of charges

billing_country=United+States // Billing address details





hidden_cardnumber=4417-xxxx-xxxx-5931 // Hidden customer card number

customer_firstname=Pauline // Customer First Name

customer_lastname=Bodine // Customer Last Name

order_id=598475 // Unique Order ID

order_date=January++8%2C+2018 // Order Date Short format

order_date_time=January++8%2C+2018%2C++4%3A16+PM // Order date full format 

order_date_eu=08%2F01%2F2018 // Order date EU format

customer_name=Pauline+Bodine // customer Details





country_2letter=us // Country shortcode

flag_frontend=1 // Flag front product

flag_autofulfill=0 // Flag Digital (1) vs Physical (0)

currency=USD // Product Currency

payment_status=Completed // Payment Status

product_name=Product+1+Bottle+%28FREE%29 // Product Name

product_price=0.00 // Product Price

shipping_status=No+fulfillment+data.+Product+was+not+sent+for+fulfillment. // Shipping status

shipping_name=Pauline+Bodine // Shipping address details






product=Product%3A+1+Bottle+%28FREE%29 // Product Name

payment_terms=%240.00+%3Cbr%3E+%249.99+Shipping+%26+Handling // Payment terms

total_comma=%249.99 // Total 

product_url_encoded=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.product-domain.com // Product URL

register_id=485672 // Transaction ID

rebill_count=1 // Number of recurring charges

chargeback_fee=35 // Chargeback Fee

If you have any questions about IPNs/webhooks please don't hesitate to contact your Account Manager.