
Performance Dashboard

To view specific information on your account’s performance go to the Dashboard and click on the Performance tab. 

Select the date range you’d like to view, or choose a custom date range in the upper right hand corner and click Apply.

The dashboard will populate and show you visitors, gross sales, shipping & handling, commissions, refunds, chargebacks, commission voids, sales tax, tax voids, and net sales for the time frame selected.

Visitors = The number of visitors to hit your landing page

Gross sales = The dollar amount of sales you’ve made before refunds, chargebacks, and affiliate commissions, and taxes

S&H = Shipping and handling sales 

Commissions = Affiliate commissions paid

Refunds = Refund amount

Chargebacks = Chargebacks amount 

Commission Void = Commissions voided to affiliates 

Sales Tax = Sales tax amount

Tax Voids = Sales tax amount voided 

Net Sales = Total sales due to the vendor after affiliate commissions, refunds, chargebacks, and taxes

Hover over the bar chart to see sales, commissions, refunds, chargebacks, visitors, and shipping and handling by day:

Below the bar chart slide the date ranges closer or father together to see more or less data.

And finally, view data by day in the Performance chart:

If you wish to export this data click the “Export” button in the lower right hand corner. For more information on exporting and automating reports, visit the Automate and Export Reports section.