
Cohort Chargeback Alerts

The Cohort Chargeback Alerts report represents the chargebacks BuyGoods presented from happening by using various alert tools. 

Chargeback rate is a metric that shows the ratio between the total number of transactions and the total number of chargebacks that BuyGoods has fought. BuyGoods charges $25 per chargeback alert. 

To access the Cohort Chargeback Alerts report go to your Dashboard and click the Cohort Chargeback Alerts sub tab.

Here you will see the report which details the chargeback alert rates of a specific set of buyers week over week.

The oldest cohort of buyers will appear at the top. The report will allow you to view data up to the previous 12 weeks. 

In the screenshot above, there were 80 buyers the week of July 19th, 2021 with a conversion rate of .67%. There were no chargebacks until week 6. 

The number of transactions a vendor processes each month can impact their chargeback rate. The same goes for the average dollar value of a vendor’s transactions; for example, a small business with a small number of sales each month may get a bit more leeway than a large operation in a high-risk vertical. However, this can actually work against vendors when calculating your chargeback rate. 

If a vendor’s chargeback-to-transaction ratio sits above the acceptable threshold (above .65%), they’ll be labeled a “high-risk merchant” and may be required by BuyGoods to change their sales funnel to lower their chargeback rate. This could also mean the vendor may incur other added fees.

To keep chargeback rates low, we recommend offering clear product descriptions, being transparent about your billing policy, and also provide flawless customer service. 

If you have any questions about chargeback alerts, chargeback rates, or want to brainstorm ways in which to keep chargeback rates low, please contact your Account Manager.