
Allowance and Payouts

To see detailed information on your payments click on the Payments tab:

At the top of the screen you’ll see a high level overview of sales, average refund rate, account balance, and allowance for sales over the last 90 days:

Select the date range to the right to see information for payments, transactions, or allowance for a specific date range.

Under Payments see all payments that were sent to you:

In this example, for the time period 9/2 - 9/29 the vendor was wired $4,063.55 on October 5th, 2021. There was $2,792.10 in net sales, $2,753.98 was released from prior allowances, and $1,482.53 was held.

Under the Transactions tab you can see detailed notes for every transaction:


This section will have the date of payout, payout amount, as well as a breakdown of refunds, chargeback alert fees ($25 per chargeback alert), commissions to affiliates, and commission voids. This is the best place to understand the breakdown of each payout. 

The Allowances section shows you each transaction, the amount charged, and the amount held. 

Pivot to “Released” to see all allowances that have been released, the amount, and the original transaction date:

If you have any questions about your allowance or payments please contact your Account Manager.