
Adding/Editing an Affiliate Commission Plan

To add or to edit an affiliate commission plan click on the Setup icon and under Affiliates click Commission Plans:

In the lower right hand corner click Add New:

Name the commission plan you’re adding and create a short description. 

Click “Overrides” if you want this commission plan to override any existing commission plans. 

Click on “Valid if owns” to select the products associated with this commission plan.

Select the commission type you want: revenue share, CPA, or CPL (you can read more about each commission plan type here):

For Revshare fill out the revenue share amount for the first payment. In this example the first payment is a 65% revshare:

Next, fill out the first payment for a backend sale. You can either choose no commissions to be earned for backend sales, the same rules as the first payment, or a custom commission plan:


If your product has recurring billing select if the affiliate should get paid:


Finally click Save.

If you want to promote your product on CPA (cost per action), select the CPA commission plan type and the dollar amount you want to give to affiliates:

If you want to promote your product on CPL (cost per lead), select the CPL commission plan type and the dollar amount you want to give affiliates for every lead:

Click Save.

This will take you to the commission plan page where you can see all of your available commission types, as well as the [Default] commission type.

To edit a commission plan, just click on the name of the commission plan you’d like to edit. 

To mark a commission plan as active, inactive, delete a commission plan, or select a default commission plan, select the box to the left of the commission plan and select one of the buttons below the list of commission plans:

If you have any questions about affiliate commission plans please contact your Account Manager.