
Vendor Onboarding Form

This details the Vendor Onboarding Form we ask vendors fill out when submitting new offers to the platform. These questions streamline the process as much as possible for you as a vendor and for our Onboarding Team (Compliance and Integrations). Your Business Development Manager or Account Manager will share the form with you when you are ready. After completing the form, our Compliance Team will begin a review of your sales pages. You can find more detail on what they look for under Compliance Review Process - FAQ.

Contact Name

This is for the name of the best point of contact related to this offer. Please include first and last name. 


Company Name

This is the name of the company your offer(s) will be under. 


BuyGoods Contact

This will be your Business Development Manager, Account Manager, or other BuyGoods employee who referred you to the platform. 



The email you submit should be the email you want associated with this offer. This will be used to create your vendor account related to the offer. Please note, you will need a unique email address for every offer you onboard with BuyGoods. 



The Skype contact should be connected to the best point of contact for the offer. We utilize Skype heavily for communication throughout the Onboarding Process as well as general account and affiliate management after the offer goes live. 


Phone Number

This is to have on file as another way to contact if need be. 


Product Name

What is your product called?


Product Description

One to two sentences to advertise and describe your offer. If your offer is open to affiliates, this will also be used on our Campaigns Page. 


Product Price

How much is each offer in your funnel, both front and back end?


Product Type

Digital, physical, membership area, or supplement. 


Landing Page URL

This is the link to your main/front end product. 


Upsell/Downsell URL(s)

Please clearly list out any upsell or downsell URLs in the order that they should appear in the funnel. 

Ex) Upsell 1: [url link]

Downsell 1: [url link]

Upsell 2: [url link]


VSL Transcript

If your pages utilize VSLs, please include the transcript for review. Files can be either Word or PDF.


Labels and COA for initial and upsell products (if supplements)

Please include the label and COA (Certificate of Analysis) for all front and back end offers if they are supplements. Files can be PNG, JPEG, PDF, or GIF


Fulfillment Agreement (if physical product)

We need this to confirm what company your orders will be shipped from to set up during the Integrations Process. Files can be PNG, JPEG, PDF, or GIF


Would you like affiliates to promote your offer?

If yes, your BDM will contact you with an addition form to complete. This form will gather all necessary information for affiliates such as payout and resources. You can read more on what's included here

If you have any more questions, please reach out to your Business Development Manager.