
Banned Product List

Below is a list of common product types that BuyGoods does not accept. We reserve the right to turn down any offers that we do not see as fitting for our platform, regardless of whether they are listed here or not. 

// Note: June 2023

ED Offers: We have maxed out our processing allocation, which is 20% of our total revenue.

CBD Offers: We can accept anyone doing $250k a month and above, as processing fees for CBD are extremely high.

Biz Op Offers: High-priced offers are not generally our target. However, if the offer has a proven history and a low chargeback rate, we will be happy to discuss accommodation.

BuyGoods Banned Product List (2023)

We do NOT accept the following:

  • Unlicensed proprietary content;
  • Any product that, in BuyGoods's sole judgment, encourages the unlawful transfer of copyrighted media, such as music, movies, videos, and games;
  • Products that claim to cure the following diseases, which have no officially recognized cure:
    • Diabetes (we accept Diabetes Type II)
    • Cancer
    • Alzheimer’s
    • Heart Attack
    • AIDS
    • Herpes
    • Coronavirus, COVID-19, etc
  • Spyware;
  • Existing debts or promissory notes;
  • Digital cash;
  • Spending accounts;
  • Money transfer;
  • Gift certificates;
  • Securities or stocks or bonds;
  • Deeds or titles;
  • Lottery tickets or sweepstakes;
  • Wagers or wagering pools, gambling or betting of any kind;
  • Pornography or pornographic entertainment of any kind;
  • Warez;
  • Pirated software or pirating tools;
  • Hacking tools: http/tcp proxies, irc/ircd, Bnc, Eggdrop, Socks4/5;
  • Remote bots;
  • Shell accounts;
  • Dial-ups or dial-ins; 
  • Phone services, phone minutes, cell messaging, or cell sms; 
  • Spamming tools; 
  • Fake ID tools; 
  • Credit reports or credit repair; 
  • Professional services including accounting, brokerage, legal, medical, and pharmaceutical services; 
  • Social security number ("SSN") searches, SSN lookups, or SSN verifications; 
  • Term papers or other academic works; 
  • Anonymous proxies or proxy lists; 
  • Password lists or email address lists or postal address lists; 
  • Hotel/travel reservations; 
  • Seminar, concert, or other event tickets or vouchers; 
  • Event reservations; 
  • Franchises or franchise opportunities; 
  • Sales of website clicks or traffic as a product; 
  • Keylogging; 
  • Smartphone unlocking; 
  • Automated trading software; 
  • Public domain; 
  • Offshore bank account set up; 
  • Password resetting software; 
  • Resale of event tickets, concert tickets, or other vouchers;
  • Automated profit products; 
  • Magnetic motor products; 
  • Water for gas products; 
  • Get paid to (including surveys, shopping, and data entry); 
  • Multilevel membership (including MLM, matrix, wheel, cylinder, downline, upline, chain, or pyramid) or any product that has no appreciable value to the customer other than the potential for resale; 
  • Products about marketing through Craigslist or social networking sites that are contrary to the social networking site's terms of use; 
  • Any materials containing, endorsing, or encouraging discrimination, violence, hatred, revenge, racism, victimization, or criminal activity; 
  • File sharing or file storage products; 
  • Trump offers – TRB systems, Membership systems, Trump cards, Trump bucks, Trump cash or QR codes offers;
  • Political or religious angled offers such as MAGA cards;
  • Any other category BuyGoods decides to prohibit at its own discretion. 

If you have any more questions, please reach out to your Business Development Manager.