
Affiliate Account Setup

To sign up as an affiliate on BuyGoods, please complete the steps below. 

1. Sign Up

Navigate to signup for an affiliate account via our main website.


2. Fill Out Form

Complete Steps 1 and 2 of the Affiliate Signup Form. Please note, a member of our Affiliate Team verifies every application that comes through. 


3. Confirm email address 

An email will be sent to you from the BuyGoods Affiliate Team with directions. 


4. Submit ID and Payment Details 

An email will be sent to you from the BuyGoods Affiliate Team with directions. 

5. Account Verification

A member of our Affiliate Team will review all of the information you have provided and either verify you as a BuyGoods affiliate or decline your application. You will be notified via email. 


6. Make money!

You will receive an email with information on how to navigate our Campaigns Page and pull your affiliate links so you can start making money! For more information on how to find the best offers, access creatives, see stats, and other tips and tricks, you can read more here or check out our YouTube page.

If you have any more questions, please reach out to your Affiliate Manager.