
Assigning Commission Plans

There are several different ways to set commission plans. It can either be set as the default commission for all affiliates, assigned on a per/affiliate basis (this is useful for incentivizing larger affiliates to run your offer more with a higher commission plan), or on a per product basis. 

Navigate to the Setup tab from the Dashboard


Click on Commission Plans


To set the default commission 

This is the plan that all affiliates will be on as they are added to your offer. 

Select the commission plan you want to use and hit “Mark and Default Plan”. [Default] will appear next to whatever is currently set as the Default commission and will change after selecting a new plan and hitting “Mark as Default Plan”. 


To assign affiliates to a specific plan

This is useful if you have affiliates you want on different commission plans other than the default.

Click into the plan you want to assign affiliates to. 

Hit the green “Add Affiliates” button.


Select the affiliate(s) you want to add to the commission plan by checking the boxes next to their name. 

Then hit the green “Add Selected” button. 

The affiliates will then appear in the left box. 

Click the blue “Add” button to confirm and return to the main area for the commission plan. 

Here you can see all affiliates added to this specific commission plan. 

Note: If you want to change an affiliate’s commission plan, simply follow the steps above and add them to a different plan or back to the default plan. The last plan they are added to will override the preexisting plan. 

To assign a specific commission plan to a product

This is helpful if you are running a special promotion that will only affect one product in a funnel. 

Go to Setup from the main Dashboard.


Select Products   

Click on the product you want to alter the commission plan for. 


Go to the Custom Commissions tab and click on “Add New”


Select the commission plan and offer name you want it to be applied to. 

Hit Save. 


If you navigate back to the Custom Commissions tab, you will see the newly added plan. 

To delete a plan, select what you want to delete and hit the “Delete” button. 

This will assign the default commission again to the offer. 

If you have any more questions please contact your Business Development Manager or Account Manager.