
Vendor Tracking Parameters

Our platform is able to display stats based on several tracking paramaters (vid1, vid2, vid3) that must be included in the Tracking URL. This will make it easier to track your performance across different marketing campaigns.

You can use only one, two or all the three tracking parameters.

To set up the tracking parameters, you have to access this screen: Setup - Products - Tracking - Integration tab 

Once added, each parameter will automatically show up in the Tracking URL.

To see which traffic source is bringing in the most sales and commissions, click on the Orders tab:

Select the date range you’d like to view (in the upper right hand corner) and then access one of these tabs: Sales by Vendor ID, Vendor ID2. 

Stats grouped by the tracking params sales will appear descending by the number of Visitors: 


Visitors = The number of visitors to hit your landing page.

Checkout page visits = The percentage of visitors who have gone from your landing page to your checkout page.

Customers = Number of new customers.

Orders = The total number of front end (FE) and back end (BE) orders. 

Conversion rate = The total number of buyers divided by the total number of visitors to your checkout page. 

New sales = The dollar amount of sales you’ve made before refunds, chargebacks, and affiliate commissions, and taxes.

Recurring sales = The dollar amount of recurring sales

Refund rate = Percentage of total transactions that have been refunded.

Chargeback rate = Percentage of total transactions that have been chargebacked.

Commissions net = Commissions due to the affiliate after refunds and chargebacks.

Commissions Count net = Amount of sales after refunds and chargebacks.

COGS = Cost of goods sold.

Total CBs & Refunds = Total dollar amount of refunds and chargebacks.

Taxes = Dollar amount of taxes.

AOV = Average order value. 

Net Sales = Total sales due to the vendor