
Vendor Account Setup

In order to set up an account as a new vendor on BuyGoods, you must complete the following steps with our Business Development Team. 

Vendors currently on the platform can reach out to their Business Development or Account Manager directly in regards to onboarding new offers. 

1. Submit a Request

Complete the demo request form for vendors from our main website.

2. Talk to our Business Development Team

One of our Business Development Managers will reach out to you within 1-2 business days to schedule a demo call. During this call our BDM will go over if your offer is a good fit for BuyGoods, go over the benefits of our platform, and answer any additional questions you may have. 


3. Onboarding Process

If BuyGoods is a good fit for your business, our Business Development Managers will walk you through the next steps of onboarding your offer with BuyGoods. There are two main areas of our Onboarding Process:

  1. Compliance Review: After completing a short onboarding form, our Compliance Team will review your landing pages to ensure that everything is legal. You can find the guidelines for what they look for here.
  2. Tech Integration: Once our Compliance Team has approved your offer, our Tech Team will work with you to integrate your pages with our platform and your fulfillment house to ensure everything communicates correctly. You can find a more detailed breakdown of the process here.


4. Account Activation

During Onboarding, you will receive your account number and log in information. Please update your password and enter your payment information immediately upon receiving this. 


5. Your offer is live!

Once your offer has successfully completed the Onboarding Process, your BDM or Account Manager will inform you that your offer is live and ready to start making you money!

If you have any more questions, please reach out to your Business Development Manager.